To prevent perinatal depression/anxiety (PNDA) in mothers who are at-risk, and to assist mothers with existing PNDA to become well.
- Prevent postnatal depression from occurring in mothers who are at-risk wherever possible
- Reduce the severity of postnatal depression
- Reduce the suffering of mothers and other resulting consequences to poorly treated maternal mental health including but not limited to psychiatric hospitalization (separated from baby), attachment issues with baby (and potential consequences of poor attachment for that child including delinquency, learning difficulties, mental illness, addictions, suicide), marriage/relationship breakdown, neglect/abuse of children, harm to baby/others or self, suicide, removal of children into child protection services
- Reduce the length of time a mother is depressed, or to work towards wellness with that mother
The Symbol of our Logo Metaphor:Picture of an (open) hand holding a bird: “In order to fly we need support”
- The open hand represents Mothers Helpers. It is not closed tightly around the bird because we aim to empower the mother not cause dependency so as to impair her ability to “fly”
- The bird represents the mother that we are supporting. “Flying” might mean something different to every individual. Therefore, it’s important to understand a mother’s goals and to incorporate the whole person ie. physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and cultural wellbeing.
- The five fingers of the hand represents five areas we offer support based on our intrinsic values: Aroha, Family, Community, Knowledge, Resources
- Mothers Helpers provides a free initial assessment by one of our qualified counsellors, mental health nurses, social workers or peer support workers. From that assessment, we will work out with you the right pathway of support – whether that includes referring you to other local community supports, attending our low-cost group therapy programmes or having individual therapy.
- Our “Out of the Fog” 10 -week recovery programme is facilitated by trained professionals – counsellors, social workers, qualified life coaches, psychologists or mental health nurses – and it is available nationwide
- Our six-week “Preparing for Parenthood” programme helps expecting families to be better prepared for the psychological adjustment of becoming parents as well as putting in place some strategies that will support their mental wellbeing.
- Mothers Helpers also offers low-cost birth trauma counselling sessions or individual counselling to those who prefer this to group therapy
- Note: we are registered with WINZ and we have ACC registered counsellors available. We also provide fully funded services wherever possible for those who cannot otherwise afford our services.